
It's you - Sezairi

kim패밀리 2023. 8. 6. 07:49

큰 애는 저와, 둘째는 와이프와 Spotify premium을 연결해서 듣고 있어요.

그때 그때 좋아하는 노래를 언제든 들을 수 있는 게 좋습니다.

최근에 꽂힌 노래는 Sezairi의 "It's you"에요.

노래쪽 전문가는 아니지만 피아노 선율에 어울리는 감칠맛 나는 목소리가 너무 좋군요.

일요일 아침에 잠깨기 위해 틀어 놓고 노랫말을 흥얼거려 봅니다.

Here we are under the moonlight.

I'm the one without a dry eye

'Cause you look amazing

I'm sorry for whatever I've caused

Before today I knew I felt lost

But now you're my lady

So take my hand now, seen me

'Cause you've made me into this man

I promise I'll treasure you girl

You're all that I've needed

Completing my world

You, you're my love, my life, my beginning

And I'm just so stumped I got you

Girl, you are the piece of me missing

Remember it now

All the times I've been alone,

Shown me the way

Let me hear, let me hold mine

Through that door straight to you

You're my love, my life, my beginning

It's you

Someone needs to come and pinch me now

I just can't believe what I have found

Standing here by me

Giving me the greatest gift you can

Saying yes and now our lives begin

Choosing you daily

So take my hand now, seen me

'Cause you've made me into this man

I promise I'll treasure you girl

You're all that I've needed

Completing my world

You, you're my love my life, my beginning

And I'm just so stumped I got you

Girl, you are the piece I've been missing

Remember it now

All the times I've been alone,

shown me the way

Let me hear, let me hold mine

Through that door straight to you

You're my love, my life, my beginning

It's you

I will never give up on you girl

Treat you right every night

Make my move, just for you

Wanna do, do this right

출처 : Pexels





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