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컴퓨터공학 중 어느 세부전공이 더 나을까요?

kim패밀리 2023. 5. 25. 07:27

둘째 녀석이 말쑤가 참 적어요.
별다른 얘기는 안 하지만 가끔씩 속에 고민꺼리를 얘기합니다.
그러곤 그 얘기를 본격적으로 할라치면 별 일 아니라 하는데 아직도 애들을 잘 모르겠어요.

그런 고민꺼리 중에 하나가 컴퓨터공학 세부전공입니다.
AI 때문에 개발자들이 나중에는 대체될 수 있다는 얘기가 많으니 코딩공부 집중하는게 좋겠냐는 얘기를 하다 이런 얘기도 하더군요.
미래를 모르는데 미래를 준비해 가야 하니 막막함이 있긴 합니다.

그래서 이걸 AI에 물어 봤습니다.
Bard와 Bing의 답변이 비슷합니다.
헌데, Bing이 찾은 이 문구가 가슴에 오네요.

“어느 전공을 하든 훌륭한 기술역량을 가져야 하고 창의적으로 생각할 수 있어야 해요. 새로운 것들을 빨리 배우고 적응할 수 있다면 컴퓨터공학 전공자로서 성공할 수 있을 겁니다.”

뜻하지 않게 좋은 얘기를 들었습니다.


출처 : Freepik

Bard 답변 :

While AI is advancing rapidly and can automate some tasks, it is highly unlikely that it will replace software engineers in the near future. There are still many complex and creative aspects of software development that require human input. In fact, AI is more likely to create new jobs in the software development field than it is to eliminate them.
That being said, there are some computer science majors that are more likely to be in demand in the future than others. These majors include:
Data science: Data scientists are in high demand for their ability to collect, analyze, and interpret large amounts of data. AI is increasingly being used to collect and analyze data, but data scientists are still needed to interpret the results and make recommendations.
Machine learning: Machine learning engineers are responsible for developing and deploying machine learning models. AI is used to train machine learning models, but machine learning engineers are still needed to design and implement the models.
Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is a growing field as more and more businesses and organizations rely on technology. AI is being used to develop new cybersecurity tools and techniques, but cybersecurity professionals are still needed to implement and manage these tools and techniques.
If you are interested in a career in computer science, I recommend that you consider majoring in one of these fields. You will be well-positioned for a successful career in the future.
In addition to these majors, there are also a number of other computer science majors that are valuable and in-demand. These include:
Computer engineering
Software engineering
Information technology
Computer systems
Computer graphics
Computer networks
Computer security
Web development
No matter what major you choose, you will need to have strong technical skills and be able to think creatively. You will also need to be able to learn new things quickly and adapt to change. If you have these skills, you will be well-positioned for a successful career in computer science.

Bing 답변 :

Computer science is a broad and diverse field that offers many possible majors and concentrations. Some of the common ones are:

- **Computer engineering**: This major focuses on designing and building hardware and software systems, such as microprocessors, embedded devices, and networks¹.
- **Computer programming**: This major focuses on developing and testing code for various applications, such as web development, mobile development, and game development¹.
- **Cybersecurity**: This major focuses on protecting data and systems from unauthorized access, attacks, and threats, such as malware, hacking, and phishing¹.
- **Data science**: This major focuses on analyzing and interpreting large and complex data sets using statistical and computational methods, such as machine learning, data mining, and visualization¹.
- **Artificial intelligence**: This major focuses on creating and applying intelligent systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics².

These are some of the examples of computer science majors that you can choose from. However, AI will not replace soft computer science in the near future. AI is a subfield of computer science that relies on the foundations and principles of other areas, such as algorithms, logic, mathematics, and ethics². Therefore, studying any computer science major will give you valuable skills and knowledge that can help you understand and use AI in various domains. What are you interested in learning more about?

출처: Bing과의 대화, 2023. 5. 22.
(1) Computer Science Degree Overview | Degree Levels and Types.
(2) Computer Science Degree Overview | Degree Levels and Types.
(3) Computer Science - Harvard University.
(4) What You Need to Know About Becoming a Computer Science Major - U.S. News & World Report.