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한국의 효과적 인구증대 방안은?

kim패밀리 2023. 5. 22. 06:16

어제는 우리와 우리 아이들의 미래에 한국과 미국의 인구변화가 어떻게 영향을 줄지를 잠시 살펴봤습니다.
이미 시작한 한국의 인구감소 대책에 대해 지금 시장의 대표 AI인 구글의 Bard와 마이크로소프트의 Bing은 각각 어떤 해결책을 제시할지가 궁금해 집니다.

결론은 둘 다 매우 유사하더군요.
이제는 우리도 이민정책을 제대로 채택할 시점이라는 점과 출산을 자연스럽게 하도록 사회 분위기를 만들어 가야 하고, 정책적 측면이 함께 고려되어야 한다고 얘기합니다.

인구증가라는 게 사실 사망자 숫자 이상을 출산과 이민이라는 두 가지의 유입경로를 통해 만들어 내는 거라고 보면 너무나 당연한 결론입니다.
너무나 당연한 결론이지만 이런 방향성이 고려되고, 준비되고 있는지는 살펴볼 필요가 있어 보입니다.


출처 : Freepik

* Bard의 결과 :

The population of South Korea has been declining for several years, and the government is looking for ways to increase it. There are a number of effective ways to increase the population of Korea, including:

Encouraging immigration. South Korea has a relatively low birth rate, and immigration is one way to offset this decline. The government could make it easier for immigrants to come to Korea and stay permanently. This could be done by providing financial incentives, making it easier to obtain visas, or offering other forms of assistance.

Providing financial incentives for families to have children. The government could offer financial incentives to families who have children. This could be done in the form of tax breaks, child care subsidies, or other forms of assistance.

Making it easier for women to balance work and family. The government could make it easier for women to balance work and family by providing more flexible work arrangements, paid parental leave, and other forms of support. This would make it more attractive for women to have children.

Promoting a positive attitude towards having children. The government could promote a positive attitude towards having children through public awareness campaigns and other initiatives.

This could help to change the perception that having children is a burden and encourage more people to have families.

These are just a few of the effective ways to increase the population of Korea. By taking these steps, the government can help to ensure that the country's population remains stable and prosperous in the years to come.
In addition to the above, the government could also consider the following measures:

Investing in education and healthcare. A well-educated and healthy population is more likely to have children. The government could invest in education and healthcare to improve the quality of life for all Koreans.

Improving the quality of life. People are more likely to have children if they feel that they can provide a good life for them. The government could improve the quality of life in Korea by investing in infrastructure, social services, and the environment.

Creating a more family-friendly society. The government could create a more family-friendly society by making it easier for families to balance work and family life. This could be done by providing more flexible work arrangements, paid parental leave, and other forms of support.

By taking these steps, the government can help to increase the population of Korea and ensure a bright future for the country.

* Bing의 결과 :

That's an interesting question. According to the web, South Korea is facing a **demographic crisis** with a very low fertility rate of **0.84** births per woman and a shrinking and aging population¹. Some of the possible ways to increase population in Korea are:

- Encouraging more inbound immigration by attracting skilled workers, foreign spouses, and multicultural families².
- Providing more financial and social support for couples who want to have children, such as subsidies, childcare, and parental leave¹.
- Promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace and society, so that women do not have to choose between career and family².
- Learning to live with population decline by adapting to a smaller and older society, such as investing in automation, innovation, and social welfare³.

These are some of the suggestions that I found on the web. What do you think of them?

출처: Bing과의 대화, 2023. 5. 22.
(1) Demographics and the Future of South Korea. https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/06/29/demographics-and-future-of-south-korea-pub-84817.
(2) How South Korean Demographics Are Affecting Immigration and Social Change .... https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/06/29/how-south-korean-demographics-are-affecting-immigration-and-social-change-pub-84819.
(3) South Korea Now Seeks Ways to Live With Population Decline - Bloomberg. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-27/south-korea-now-seeks-ways-to-live-with-population-decline.